We characterize our style as a “polite push” Our best work is done when our students don’t realize they are being pushed. Patience is the key and the ability to read the student’s reaction to our instruction.
It depends on the fear level and adherence to the instruction. We will not have optimal results until the fear is relieved. We do have “homework” for reinforcement, to ease the fear faster than once or twice a week with instruction. The bed, sink, tub, shower, and goggles can be used to help our little ones with fear and form. Once the fear is relieved it makes it a lot easier to learn and progress.
We suggest starting as soon as we can, Reason being is the older they get with this fear, the more they can articulate it and dwell on it. We need to disprove these fears as soon as we can to open the door to progression.
We normally teach at private pools and community pools. We also can teach in health clubs that have pools. You would be responsible for permission to teach and the entry fee if applicable.
It’s not a problem as long as they work well together in a teaching environment. If not, we will suggest separate privates instead of a semi-private lesson.
It’s not a problem, as long as they are not too many levels apart to where there may be a safety risk involved. If so, we will suggest separate privates instead of a semi-private lesson